Pricing & Packages
We always work to make your memories look the best they can. The details matter!
Home Movies: as low as $45/hr of raw footage
Printed Photos: as low as $0.48/printed photo or slide
Video Slideshows: Contact for details.
Personal/Family/Business Interviews: Contact for details.
For more pricing details

What package works best for your family or business?
Basic. No added cost.
Your precious home movies, photos, slides, cassettes, and more preserved (digitized), edited, and enhanced.
Your digital files sent to you electronically to download on your computer.
Premium. Add $150
Only the Best for You and Your Family
Your precious home movies, photos, slides, cassettes, and more preserved (digitized), edited, and enhanced.
Your digital flies sent to you electronically to download on your computer.
Your files on DVDs and a Thumb Drive. The Thumb Drive can be used for future projects (until full) at no additional charge.
Your videos accessible online and easily shared with family and friends (You determine the level of privacy.)
Your files securely stored long term in an encrypted online storage place.*
*Requires annual subscription. 1st Year included. (Normally $50/year.)
Plus. Add $50.
Added Security and Portability
Your precious home movies, photos, slides, cassettes, and more, preserved (digitized), edited, and enhanced.
Your digital files sent to you electronically to download on your computer.
Your files on DVDs or a Thumb Drive. The Thumb Drive can be used for future projects (until full) at no additional charge.